1) The briskness in the air: I've already talked some about that, but one other thing that I thoroughly enjoy is driving in my car with the windows down in this beautiful weather. I've always really enjoyed feeling the wind as I drive, but it just gets too hot during the summer to actually make this comfortable and too cold during the winter. I just love the feeling of being free. The hair flying around and getting completely ruined isn't my favorite anymore so nowadays I wear my hair in a bun tucked up into a baseball hat. I keep this hat in my car simply for these occasions. For anyone who knows Mark's style, you can tell that this was actually a Mark purchase from some thrift store that he gave me as a gift. I had to take a picture of my "get-up" while I drive home today. I still need the sunglasses because it's too sunny. I probably look crazy to the other drivers as I'm driving around with the windows down and my get-up, singing to the radio turned up high. Good times.
2) Crunchy leaves: I stomp on crunchy leaves. It utterly fills my heart with joy to feel and hear the crunch. I walk along the street trying to step only on the leaves, which means I walk in shorter steps or longer steps or by crossing legs or whatever it takes to get as many leaves as possible. The colors are pretty nice too.
3) Sweatshirt weather: I have been in the mood to wear sweaters for at least the past month but it's been way too warm so I would end up just carrying the sweater around wishing it were cooler. And now it is!
4) Cool weather (especially at night): Can't say enough about how much I love this weather. Snuggling up into bed feels so much nicer now. I love it when Mark comes over and puts his arm around me and snuggles up close. I loved it during the summer as well, but I would get so overwhelmingly hot while trying to stay still just to revel being in his arms.
5) Upcoming holidays: I love the upcoming holidays that just get better and better. It all starts off with Halloween and the fun of dressing up, followed by the amazing amounts of yummy food at Thanksgiving, Christmas time with all its splendor and sincere spirit and family time, New Years Eve to reminisce our engagement, and then... the best of all... my birthday! So much goodness in the next few months.
Runner-up) General Conference! I had such a great time this past weekend listening to the words of our prophets and apostles. Such a time of rejuvenation and growth (that I will hopefully carry on for the next six months). In keeping with my parents family traditions, I made a nice breakfast Sunday morning. As evidenced by the picture below, I was less than enthused to have a photo taken of me fresh out of bed and still groggy. You can see the conference starting on the computer. I'm so glad we were able to get it in our home.
And now, my complete and utter guesses on Mark's Fav 5 for the Fall season...
1) LAKERS!!!! So many games and he'll be able to watch all of them. It honestly is a little intimidating to me at the moment, but I'll get through. The team is looking to be amazing this year. Ron Artest will be a great asset to an already fabulous team. Mark definitely is excited for the games to begin. As he told me recently "it's not that my love for you will change at all, but my love for Lamar will just increase."
2) TV shows: The fall line-up of shows is back on and running. Mark and I enjoy several shows... I'm not going to list all of them because it may be depressing, but just to give you a flavoring: So You Think You Can Dance (mostly my show, but Mark will watch), Survivor, Amazing Race, Glee (amazing show!!), the Office, Parks & Rec, 30 Rock, Community, Project Runway (mostly mine again), Mad Men (Mark's show), Biggest Loser (mine), etc, etc. :)
3) Going along with the sports idea... better sports highlights. Mark loves sports and watches a show called "Pardon the Interruption," which is also known as PTI by some, and (my personal favorite) "two old men fighting about sports" by Abby. It's much more exciting when the highlights and stories aren't all just about horrible ball... as Mark's brothers call baseball.
At this point I'm not positive anymore, so this may be completely inaccurate...
4) Cool weather. Although, he really likes hot weather, but I think he enjoyed the coolness to a certain degree as well, or at least just as a change.
5) Better movies coming up, but that's not for a few more months or so.
Runner-up) The brothers emails. Mark and his brothers have these amazing emails that go back and forth between all of them, which will only get better with the Lakers season and even better things to talk about.
Well, anyone have their own top five list of great things about the fall? Please share!!